Everything Apple Announced at Its ‘Peek Performance’ Event

Everything Apple Announced at Its ‘Peek Performance’ Event

Apple hosted its “Peek Performance” live-stream event and revealed a whole host of new products aimed at creators and those living on a budget. There were also some smaller announcements for folks who can’t get enough of their Apple TV+ subscriptions, plus a new highly anticipated phone color for iPhone users.

Everything Apple Announced at Its ‘Peek Performance’ Event

The iPhone SE has been updated to include 5G connectivity, along with the best parts of the iPhone 13’s capable camera system. The iPad Air also got a refresh and a new set of specs, all at a price point that rivals Android’s best mid-range tablets.

For Mac users, there’s the new Mac Studio, the ultimate Apple machine built into a relatively small aluminum box and available with the new M1 Ultra chip configuration. The Studio Display pairs nicely with this new Mac, and so does the green iPhone 13 if you haven’t already upgraded. That’s the top-line stuff. But here’s a look at everything Apple announced at its event.

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George Washington

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