A former Dyson designer has created plant pots that fold flat

A former Dyson designer has created plant pots that fold flat

As Flynn points out, the ceramic and concrete pots of today are often manufactured in Asia, then individually wrapped to be distributed around the globe. If you’ve lifted one of these pots before, you know that they are surprisingly heavy. (And if you’ve broken one, as I have, you know they are also surprisingly fragile.)

A former Dyson designer has created plant pots that fold flat

If traditional pots last you decades, perhaps all of the investment in shipping and production is worthwhile. But Potr allows traditional, 12mm-thick pots to be replaced with 0.7mm-thick plastic. This represents a 98% reduction in both volume and material usage over typical pots.

“We use the absolute minimum of material,” says Flynn. “The structure is given by the origami form. It’s using materials in a more clever fashion, and leveraging mechanical properties through design.”

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George Washington

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